Gluon Art and research

Alle interviews
over Secrets

Een nieuwe blik op kunstgeschiedenis
door middel van AI


Wat is de relatie tussen kunst en Artificial iIntelligence (AI)? Kan AI als instrument dienen voor hedendaagse kunstenaars? Onderzoekt het een schilderij zoals het menselijk oog dat doet? Wat gebeurt er als algoritmen schilderijen onderzoeken? Wat zien ze wel of niet? Dat zijn enkele van de vragen die Luc Steels, specialist in AI, en Luc Tuymans, een wereldvermaarde Belgische schilder, proberen te beantwoorden in de tentoonstelling Secrets. Artificiële Intelligentie en Luc Tuymans, die aan het einde van een tweejarige wetenschappelijke residentie door BOZAR LAB en Gluon werd georganiseerd. De tentoonstelling is tot 2 mei te bezichtigen in het Paleis voor Schone Kunsten.

Hier kan je alle video’s van de interviews met Luc Steels en Luc Tuymans in het Engels bekijken, met Nederlandse en Franse ondertitels. Deze video’s werden opgenomen in het kader van deze tentoonstelling en kan je bekijken in lange versie of in korte thematische fragmenten.

Full interview with Luc Steels
Full interview with Luc Tuymans

Find Luc Steels’ specific answers here

What is the main goal of the project FLOW

How would you describe the possible relationship between art and artificial intelligence?

How does this clash with the essence of art which is about emotions, feelings, human intuition

Can AI become a tool for contemporary art practice? 

Luc Tuymans challenges AI. How did Luc Tuymans challenge the AI system? How did he react to your research?

AI looks on paintings. Does an AI look at a painting the same way we do?

Can AI make art?

How do we define creativity today? Can this be translated in algorithms? 

AI and curation. What was the result of your research on the curation of the La Pelle exhibition in Venice in 2019, when examined with an AI system?

Two years ago, you stated: “in my opinion AI is in no position today to event approach the complexity of interpretation of art. Not yet at least. But I don’t think it will happen in my lifetime.” Has your position changed today? 

What is the link between art, AI and politics? Could you say a few words on your research on memes?

In a previous interview you mentioned the research would also lead to the creation of an open source, available for the entire community of artists, curators and historians via the platform Penelope.

Find Luc Tuymans’ specific answers here

How did your residency with the researcher Luc Steels start?

What were your expectations on AI at the beginning of the collaboration?

What did the algorithms focus on, when analysing your painting?

How do you see the development of the relationship between creativity and AI?

Why are you interested in AI? How does it resonate with your work?

What were the results of the research applied to your painting Secrets?

How do you imagine the future of your collaboration with Luc Steels and AI?

Find the visitor’s guide here.

Picture (left) Luc Tuymans © Damon De Backer/BOZAR
Picture (right) AI researcher Luc Steels & Luc Tuymans © Damon De Backer/BOZAR

In partnership with BOZAR
Supported by EU AI Lab, Innovatieve Partnerprojecten Vlaanderen, S+T+ARTS