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Fake news

Generative AI

During the covid period, people pretended on social media that microchips were hidden in the vaccination to follow and control people. Fake news, that are those stories that are not true but circulate and turn things upside down. Because of this confusing information, we can’t always talk openly about things anymore or take good decisions. This, we want to change!

Textual Generative AIs

We become aware of the power and impact of textual manipulation. By means of digital tools we ourselves make absurd stories that will fool fake news.

Visual Generative AIs

What is a deepfake and how do you make one? We explore media that are made or edited by artificial intelligence and create ourselves a deepfake application.

Target audience
ASO / TSO / BSO / KSO2nd-3th degree of secondary education
To be discussed
At Gluon or at school
One entire day, one class hour or a combination of hours
Number of students
Max. 20