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XR Lab

Extend your reality

Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality

Are you interested in Virtual Reality and do you like being creative with digital tools? During this Extended Reality Lab we challenge you to come up with solutions for companies in a creative way. You will develop an interactive experience that applies concepts from the VR industry and video games. Be inspired by British artist duo Studio Above & Below, you’ll receive guidance by ICT experts and use the tools of the Cityfab1 and Cityfab2. Register now and develop innovative VR and XR applications that will be presented during an expo at MuntPunt and other Brussels festivals.

This is an activity within the framework of BetterFactory, a European S+T+ARTS initiative.

Target audience
ASO / TSO / BSO / KSO14 years - 20 years
Cityfab2, Jules Bordetlaan 13, 1140 Brussel (Evere)
€ 75 individual / € 120 two persons (€ 19 Paspartoe)
Every weekday from 10:00 to 17:00 & Saturday expo at 14:00
Number of students
Max. 20