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Hack Darwin 3 Lab

Re-imagine your biotech future

Modern biotechnology / Virtual Reality / 3D printing

The world around us seems increasingly ‘programmable’, not only digitally but also biologically. During Hack Darwin Lab III, from February 20 to February 25 2023, we challenge you to look at the present and the future differently. Using simple tools, you sketch a utopian and/or dystopian image of the future. The resulting doom and dream scenarios take the form of a virtual experience, 3D prototypes, performance/storytelling, magazines, etc. In developing your speculative project, you make use of 3D printers, laser cutters, Virtual Reality and more. Find inspiration during an excursion to the Natural History Museum. You will be guided by artist Koen De Decker, IT experts and student coaches. The results will be exhibited in MuntPunt and later during festivals.

This Lab is supported by the VGC.

Target audience
ASO / TSO / BSO / KSO10 years - 14 years
Cityfab 1, Dieudonné Lefèvrestraat 37, 1020 Brussel (Laken)
€ 75 individual / € 120 two persons (€ 19 Paspartoe)
Every day from 10:00 - 17:00 hours (except saturday)
Number of students
Max. 20