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Generative AI // Internet of Things

Look around you in the city, even here in Brussels! The nature grows and changes very fast. She adapts herself to us, the people, and gets constantly smarter. In the hustle and the concrete off the city, animals and plants find new ways to survive. But it seems as if we just pass by it without noticing. How can we raise awareness about this and show the diversity and the fast evolutions of natural life? 

For this workshop, you can chose between the following technologies:

Generative AI

Which generative AI systems like DALL-E and Midjourney we visualise how animals will look like in the future, even better adapted to the urban environment and subject to different Darwin evolutions.

Internet of Things

Let’s discover together how we can link a bird house to a Raspberry Pi and camera. Together we investigate the biodiversity in the city and contribute to the protection of nature!

Target audience
ASO / TSO / BSO / KSO2nd-3th degree of secondary education
To be discussed
At Gluon or at school
One entire day, a class hour or a combination of hours
Number of students
Max. 20