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Virtual reality // Wearable technology

Terms as genetic manipulation and artificial intelligence appear more frequently in the news. It seems as if we play a bit with the powers of nature. Now we can not only program digital things, but living organisms as well. Think of plants that light up in the dark! But what if scientists maken some people super intelligent and others not? This opens a whole bunch of questions about ethics and what is allowed or what is not. 

For this workshop, you can chose between the following technologies:

Virtual Reality

Imagine that we ourselves can modify endangered animals genetically. How would they look like and which new features would we attribute to them? We bring this speculative imagination to live in a VR application.

Wearable technology

We get started with electronic components to design and build our own wearable cyborg technology. What does it mean to be “human” in our technological decade: dream or nightmare?

Target audience
ASO / TSO / BSO / KSO2nd-3th degree of secondary education
To be discussed
At Gluon or at school
One entire day, one class hour or a combination of multiples hours
Number of students
Max. 20