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Robotics // 3D printing

The way humankind travels, will drastically change in the future. Already in different cities self-riding robots hit the road. At the same time, other alternative vehicles arise like Microlinos, autonomous air taxis, electric longboards or scooters in a sharing system. These developments will have a large impact on the city in the future, but entail moral dilemmas as well. 

For this workshop, you can chose between the following technologies:


During this workshop you get to know the basic principales of robotics. You learn how to design, build and program a social robot or an autonomous vehicle.

3D printing

How can we adapt our city and its roads to welcome new vehicles? Using 3D scans and Google Maps we shape an alternative city virtually.

Target audience
ASO / TSO / BSO / KSO2nd-3th degree of secondary education
To be discussed
At Gluon or at school
One entire day, one class hour or a combination of multiples hours
Number of students
Max. 20