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Digital well-being

Conversational AI // Prompt battle

Artificial intelligence has proved itself to be a powerful tool in several domains, but can also result in different negative effects, like phishing attacks, bias, addictive apps and manipulative behaviour systems. Those have a significant impact on our mental well-being. Can we develop digital solutions to protect us against harmful influences or to take up alternatives habits that make us happier?  

For this workshop, you can chose between the following technologies:

Conversational AI

Which are the limits of the newest chatbots like ChatGPT and how can we circumvent those? During this workshop we use AI to hack a chatbot and engage it for activist goals.

Prompt battle

We learn about prompting and how we can generate an image with artificial intelligence. We compete against each other in a battle, where each round an image is being made by prompts.

Target audience
ASO / TSO / BSO / KSO2nd-3th degree of secondary education
To be discussed
At Gluon or at school
One entire day, one class hour or a combination of hours
Number of students
Max. 20