Gluon Art and research


Residency Program
September 2024 - July 2025


Bringing together art, technology and science, S+T+ARTS4WaterII – Ports in Transformation is dedicated to tackling the complex environmental and societal challenges present in Europe’s ports and port cities. 

About the project

We find ourselves at a pivotal juncture in our connection with nature, technology, and humanity, where it’s increasingly evident that our current lifestyle is unsustainable and demands urgent reconsideration. It’s imperative to redefine innovation to pave the way for a sustainable future. This ambitious objective necessitates united efforts and unwavering determination. Now more than ever, it’s vital for researchers, industry leaders, technology providers, and the cultural sphere to reimagine innovation, laying the groundwork for a more sustainable future. S+T+ARTS4WaterII facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration, collective critical thinking, research, experimentation, and co-design led by artists through collaborative art residencies, international educational workshops, exhibitions, conferences, and networking activities that bring together artists, researchers, stakeholders, and ICT experts. These collaborations focus on addressing specific local or regional water challenges and envisioning future water management through creative, critical artistic works, novel digital solutions and public engagement. 


In the framework of this project GLUON, in collaboration with a number of local and international stakeholders from culture, research and industries is launching four Open Calls for Belgian and/or international artists. Together with experts from the different disciplines, artists will imagine and develop projects that offer creative approaches regarding sustainabilty challenges in water management and healthy transformations in the different contexts.  

Artists can apply to the Open Call until June 26th!

Related links

Discover GLUON’s projects from STARTS4Water I: The Landscape of Finance by Anna Ridler & A Fountain of Eternal Youth by Haseeb Ahmed

An initiative of the S+T+ARTS (Science, Technology and Arts) program, within the framework of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission.

The consortium partners are GLUON (Belgium), VITO (Belgium), WAAG Futurelab (Netherlands), The Camargo Foundation (France), ORG Torino (Italy), TBA21 Thyssen - Bornemisza Art Contemporary (Spain/Italy), ADAPT (Dublin), the Klima Biennale Wien (Austria), PiNA (Slovenia), Drugo More (Croatia), Beta Festival (Ireland)